Q: Does the magazine resemble other football magazines?
A: Yes it does
Q: Are the colour used suitable for this genre of magazine? will there be problems?
A: I believe the colour is suitable and similar to other magazines of the same genre
Q: The magazine is priced at £1.49, is this reasonable?
A: Yes I think this is a good price for the magazine.
Q: Are the fonts used throughout the design suited and understandable?
A: I think the font is easy to read and the colour scheme helps this.
Q: What is your view on the headline used, is it fitting?
A: I think the magazine is fitting, as I have seen player profiles in other football magazines
Q: What is your view on the information used in the player profile?
A: There are many facts in the information and I believe the information is good and honest.
Q: Do you like my double page spread?
A: I think the double page spread is good especially the player profile page.
Q:Would you buy my magazine judging by the spread?
A: Yes I would as the contents page has a list of other things in the magazine which look interesting
Q:How would you rate my magazine out of 10?
A: 8 out of 10
Q:Can you suggest ways in which the magazine can be improved?
A: Take photographs of yourself and friends and upload them.
Q: And finally, what is your favourite feature of the spread?
A: Good information and the page is well organised
some good questions, we really needed some more searching questions for us to fully utilise the focus group. Use the feed back here to finally draft your products and post as final design onto your blog.